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Technology Planning and Budgeting for 2021

Technology Planning and Budgeting for 2021

There’s no doubt, 2020 has been a period of massive change. The pandemic has forced businesses to change the way they do business–for example, more staff are working remotely than ever before. Read on to learn more about what to consider when planning your...
Trends in Cybersecurity in 2020

Trends in Cybersecurity in 2020

This extraordinary year, with its rapid shift toward remote work force, has brought about changes in the cybersecurity landscape. With the security perimeter widened by use of devices outside the office, businesses are using the cloud more than before. According to a...
Cybersecurity in Challenging Times

Cybersecurity in Challenging Times

In these unprecedented times, we spend more time than ever on various devices, using them both for work and recreation. As in other difficult times, heroes rise to the occasion. However, so do bad actors, seeking to take advantage of the situation. Read on to learn...
Getting Your Business Ready for 2020 Information Technology Trends

Getting Your Business Ready for 2020 Information Technology Trends

Last year at this time, it was predicted that technologies like 5G and Internet of Things would be developing trends. This is still true.  According to a survey by CompTIA, the global tech industry is set to grow at a rate of 3.7%, reaching $5.2 trillion. The United...
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Be Aware and Prepared

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Be Aware and Prepared

October is National Cybersecurity Awareness month, a “collaborative effort between government and industry to raise awareness about the importance of cybersecurity, and to ensure all businesses have the resources to be safer and more secure online.” This year,...